Temper-Sure Thermal Scanning
The Temper-Sure Thermal Camera is a high quality thermal camera for scanning personnel and visitors, detecting mask compliance and raised temperatures.
The Temper-Sure Thermal Camera is a high quality thermal camera for scanning personnel and visitors, detecting mask compliance and raised temperatures.
The Temper-Sure Thermal Camera is a high quality thermal camera for scanning personnel and visitors, detecting mask compliance and raised temperatures.
Building access can be screened without human interaction, thereby potentially minimizing the risk of personnel infection.
(temperature attendants.)
Specifically designed to test for elevated temperature.
Capable of sending alerts to administrators based on activity.
FCC certified.
< 0.5 second evaluation time with clear pass/fail visual and audio alerts.
Easy set up – ready to go in less than 2 minutes after plugging in.
Temperature accuracy ± 0.3 (F)
“Not wearing mask” alert/mandate optional.
Open source software provided